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2011 CAMA E-Brief Partner: October 25, 2011            

President Jim Toye Attends SOLACE Summit

With less money and a rising demand for services, the world faces a multitude of challenges, opportunities, pressures and risks – all of which require a new way of doing things. CAMA President and City Manager, North Battleford,  Jim Toye, recently attended the 2011 Annual SOLACE Summit in Edinburgh, Scotland along with 245 other municipal government officials from around the world.  “There are a lot of communities in other parts of the world in dire straits,” said Toye. “In North Battleford and in Canada, we are in a relatively healthy economy.  In some jurisdictions across the UK, for example, there are governments asking suppliers to lower their prices with the ultimatum being no business at all.” The summit, described by Toye as “eye opening”, focused on key propositions presented to inspire and provoke work streams around the world.  “I took away information that will be useful to Canadian municipalities – information we can use to ensure we don’t find ourselves in desperate situations and how as “grassroots” governments, we must be open to changing with the times, incorporate innovation and maintain the ability to drive our own economies.”   For  more on SOLACE, visit

LGMA-CAMA E-Learning Series: November Webinars

There are five webinars being offered in November 2011.  Visit the CAMA website for more information on these professional development opportunities and to register (

Nov. 1, 2, 2011:  Public Consultation in 10 Easy Steps: Planning for Successful Public Engagement   Presenter:Jan Enns, Jan Enns Communications

In order to be successful, planning needs to inform, involve or engage stakeholders at the outset. When done right, programs can move forward on time and on schedule. When done wrong, it can mean a drain on resources, damaged relationships and even damaged reputations. This fast-paced and engaging session will elevate your understanding of public consultation and provide you with a step-by-step guide to apply effective consultation planning in your organization.

Nov. 8, 9, 2011: Strategic Planning for Councils and Staff    Presenter:Tracey Lee Lorenson, Paragon Strategic Services

Prepare for post-election by considering a refreshed or a brand new strategic planning process!   Local governments are facing the challenge of strategic planning in a changing world. This pragmatic course will address how to prepare for strategic planning, how to engage Council, staff and key stakeholders, and how to arrive at consensus on the key organizational priorities. Specific attention will be paid to how to manage the strategy so that execution is translated into business planning, and communicating results is easily achieved, even in small organizations. This course is intended for CAOs, elected officials, and those tasked with managing the planning process, and will provide specific planning tools to use with your Councils and departments.

Nov. 15, 16, 2011:  Social Media 101: The Basics    Presenter:Jan Enns, Jan Enns Communications

Last March, Facebook surpassed Google with the most visits of any website in North America. With more folks taking to the internet to share information and ideas, local governments need to consider the use of social media such as Facebook and Twitter. Learn the basics about the leading forms of social media, why you should consider using them and how to avoid the pitfalls. More importantly, find out how you can put these powerful online tools to work to help engage your audience in this enlightening and informative workshop.

Nov. 22, 23, 2011:  Customer Service in the Public Sector    Presenter: Tracey Lee Lorenson, Paragon Strategic Services

The unique challenges of service delivery in the local government sector will be discussed, including the difficulty of dealing with such a diverse client base. We will discuss whether private sector “customer service” approaches are relevant in the public sector, and why good service is critical to both staff and Council success. Participants will complete an online assessment of their personal skills and abilities in delivering customer service, and will have access to a range of materials used by other local governments.

November 29, 30, 2011:  Making the Most of your Communication with Others     Presenter:Tracey Lee Lorenson, Paragon Strategic Services

Has anyone in your organization ever had a challenge communicating with a coworker or stakeholder? By obtaining insight into how we communicate we are better able to communicate with key individuals both inside and outside our organization. This session will discuss team dynamics, and the unique benefits of different communication styles. In an engaging and practical workshop, attendees from Council, City Hall, public works, fire departments etc., have obtained useful information to change the way both individuals and teams interact. Attendees will complete an online behavioral styles assessment and receive a 26 page report of their preferred ways of dealing with challenges, people, change and rules. 

Senior Advisor Program

This is just a reminder of one of the many member services that CAMA has to offer.  The CAMA Board has enlisted the services of some retired CAMA members to form a group of volunteers to help develop a Senior Advisor Program. The Senior Advisor Program is intended to serve two main purposes. The first is to assist members experiencing professional difficulties; the second is to actively engage retired CAMA members in sharing their experience and expertise. The CAMA National Office provides a coordinating and support role or members can contact the individual directly.  The service provided to members is free, one-on-one, and is private and confidential. The intent is to provide counsel, experience, and support of respected, retired managers of the profession available to Chief Administrative Officers.  For further information visit

“Aboriginal History and Development"

AFOA is pleased to offer CAMA members access to a fifteen week on-line course entitled “Aboriginal History and Development”.  The cost is $535.00 for AFOA members and $645.00 for non-members.  This course examines the current issues, developments and concepts affecting Aboriginal peoples in Canada and also provides a deeper understanding of the essential knowledge and values required to work effectively within an Aboriginal context.  More information is available at the following link:

Prix ​​d'excellence de l'ACAM/CAMA Awards of Excellence

Borough Councillor for Côte-de-Liesse District, Maurice Cohen,  David Gourlay, Public Sector Head - Global Transaction Services, Citibank Canada and Jacques Des Ormeaux, CAMA Past President

Prix de l'Environnement pour une municipalité avec une population entre 20 001 et 100 000 présenté par Citi Canada

Arrondissement Saint-Laurent / Ville de Montréal: Nouveau règlement durable Conception Parking Lot

De nouveaux règlements régissant la gestion de parcs de stationnement dans le quartier Saint-Laurent montre comment les décideurs peuvent penser différemment à propos de leur ville, en intégrant les principes du développement environnemental et durable dans la prise de décision. Saint-Laurent est une importante zone économique de la région de Montréal. Son développement a longtemps été centrée sur l'utilisation des voitures, ce qui a généré des parkings immenses, et a créé un certain nombre de questions. Les parkings sont parfois sous-utilisés, ils agissent comme des îlots de chaleur, et ils entravent naturels de rétention des eaux pluviales. Certains des lots constituent de précieux potentiel de développement immobilier, avec des perspectives de la santé et des affaires économiques se sont améliorées / maintien dans l'emploi.

Reconnaissant ces problèmes, et plus axés sur l'environnement, Saint-Laurent a changé les règlements régissant la gestion des espaces de stationnement par des principes de développement durable intégrant. Les objectifs de la réglementation sont de fournir un nombre approprié d'espaces de stationnement requis pour chaque bâtiment, de s'adapter au changement climatique, afin de créer de nouvelles opportunités économiques, pour améliorer l'environnement bâti, afin de promouvoir la densification urbaine, et de plaider pour l'utilisation et le développement des transports collectifs et actifs.

De nouveaux règlements permettent des ratios de stationnement selon les différentes activités d'une entreprise et le marché du travail ces activités exigent; nécessitent la plantation d'arbres dans tous les parcs de stationnement avec vingt ou plusieurs espaces de telle sorte que la canopée des arbres matures couvre 40% de leur superficie totale, et autorise l'utilisation des options pavés perméables à l'appui de la rétention naturelle des eaux de pluie.

En outre, les limites ont été établies sur le nombre de places de stationnement autorisé par propriété, le nombre d'espaces de stationnement requis a été réduit de 40% à moins de 500 m des stations de métro et de 20% à proximité de trains de banlieue; de ​​stationnement souterrain a été nécessaire, et, le agrandissement de bâtiments par rapport aux non-utilisée des places de stationnement existantes a été autorisée.

Félicitations à l'arrondissement Saint-Laurent pour ce prix exceptionnel!


Environment Award for a Municipality With a Population Between 20,001 and 100,000 Presented by Citi Canada:  Saint-Laurent Borough/City of Montréal:  New Sustainable Parking Lot Design Regulation

New regulations governing the management of parking lots in the Saint-Laurent demonstrates how decision makers can think differently about their city, incorporating environmental and sustainable development principles into decision-making.  Saint-Laurent is an important economic zone in the Montreal region.  Its development has long been centred on the use of cars, which has generated huge parking lots, and created a number of issues.  The parking lots are sometimes under-utilized, they act as heat islands and they impede natural rainwater retention.  Some of the lots represent valuable real estate development potential, with prospects for improved economic health and business / job retention.

Recognizing these issues, and focusing more on the environment, Saint-Laurent changed the regulations governing the management of parking spaces by incorporating principles of sustainable development.  The objectives of the regulation are to provide the appropriate number of parking spaces required for each building, to adapt to climate change, to create new economic opportunities, to improve the built environment, to promote urban densification, and to advocate for the use and development of public and active transportation.

New regulations allow for parking ratios according to the various activities of a company and the workforce those activities require; require tree planting in all parking lots with twenty or more spaces so that the mature tree canopy covers 40% of their total area; and, authorizes the use of permeable pavement options in support of the natural retention of rainwater.

In addition, limits were established on the number of parking spaces permitted per property, the number of required parking spaces was reduced by 40% within 500 m of Metro stations and by 20% near suburban trains; more underground parking was required; and, the expansion of buildings over non-utilized existing parking spaces was permitted.

Congratulations to the Saint-Laurent Borough/City of Montréal on this outstanding award!

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