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2015 CAMA E-Brief Partner:

  • Top:  Karen Thomas, Chief Executive, SOLGM;  Barbara McKerrow, SOLGM President; Don MacLellan, CAMA President;  Jennifer Goodine, CAMA Executive Director
  • Left: Barbara McKerrow, SOLGM President; Don MacLellan, CAMA President 
  • Right:  Dr. Shayne Silcox, President of LG Professionals of Australia; Don MacLellan, CAMA President 
  • Bottom:  Lauren Okey, CEO of LG Professionals of Australia ; Dr. Shayne Silcox, President of LG Professionals of Australia; Don MacLellan, CAMA President ;  Jennifer Goodine, CAMA Executive Director

At the recent ICMA Conference held in Seattle Washington, CAMA had the opportunity to meet with some of their affiliate partners from Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom.  CAMA President Don MacLellan, Mr. Marc Landry (CAMA Board Representative for Alberta and NWT/External Relations Chair), and Ms. Jennifer Goodine, CAMA Executive Director, met with the following affiliates:
  • Ms. Barbara McKerrow, SOLGM President
  • Karen Thomas, Chief Executive, SOLGM
  • Dr. Shayne Silcox, President of LG Professionals of Australia 
  • Lauren Oakie, CEO, LG Professionals of Australia
  • Kim Ryley, SOLACE Chair in Business.
Several areas of mutual interest were discussed and the Affiliate Agreements with SOLGM and LG Professionals Australia were renewed with a signing ceremony.  These agreements focus on working together to recommend speakers and involve international guests in the program at each Annual Conference, sharing best practices on a regular basis to circulate to our memberships, looking for opportunities to collaborate on research and projects, and continuing to meet annually at the ICMA Conference.  

Update on CAMA's CAO Performance Evaluation Project
Dear CAMA Colleagues,
I would like to take this opportunity to provide you with an update on CAMA’s CAO Performance Evaluation Project chaired by Janice Baker (CAMA Representative for Ontario and CAO/City Manager for the City of Mississauga, ON) and the following Task Force members: 
Don MacLellan, CAMA President/Representative for New Brunswick & General Manager of Community Safety Services, City of Moncton, NB
Robert Hughes CAMA Past President & CAO for the Town of Stratford, PEI
Patrick Draper, CAMA Member/City Manager for the City of St. Albert, AB
Scott Barton, CAMA Member/CAO for the Town of Raymond, AB
The Committee has been active for over a year now, and we have been in the data gathering and assessment phase until very recently.  I want to thank all of you who participated in our member survey which was circulated in October 2014.  We also were able to survey elected officials with the assistance of FCM in February 2015.  We received a good response to both surveys and so we believe we can rely on the results to guide our work going forward.
I can also tell you that there is a tremendous level of alignment between what we heard from both sides on some of the common issues and concerns, and what CAMA can do to help.  As a result of what we have heard, one of our key projects this year is the development of a CAO Performance Management and Evaluation Toolkit.  The Task Force has reviewed many examples of best practices from across the country which will be used in the creation of the toolkit.
Once the draft toolkit has been completed a pilot project will be implemented and tested with the CAMA membership, the elected officials, and other external users, prior to the launch.  A Marketing and Education Plan will also be developed in order to distribute the new product as widely as possible across the country.  
This will be a new innovative best practice in the support CAMA provides to its members, in a critical component of the Council-staff relationship.
I want to thank all those who took part in this exercise to date.  We are pleased with our progress and hope to have a draft toolkit available mid-2016.
In addition, CAMA will be connecting with national and provincial associations of Elected Officials and provincial CAO associations, to seek support for this important work and to establish partnerships to guide the eventual implementation of the new model of performance management for Canadian CAOs.
Please read the Executive Summary of the results of the CAMA Membership and Elected Officials Surveys and more information on the next steps.  We are committed to keeping you informed as we move forward with this important project.
Don MacLellan
CAMA President
Chers collègues de l’ACAM,
Le moment semble tout indiqué pour vous informer de l’évolution du projet d’évaluation du rendement des directeurs généraux et municipaux de l’ACAM. Le groupe de travail qui en est responsable est dirigé par Janice Baker, représentante de l’Ontario à l’ACAM et directrice générale de la Ville de Mississauga (Ont.), et composé des membres suivants :
Don MacLellan, président de l’ACAM, représentant du Nouveau-Brunswick et directeur général des Services de protection communautaire de la Ville de Moncton (N.-B.);
Robert Hughes, président sortant de l’ACAM et DG de la Ville de Stratford (Î.-P.-É.);
Patrick Draper, membre de l’ACAM, gestionnaire municipal de St. Albert (Alb.);
Scott Barton, membre de l’ACAM, DG de la Ville de Raymond (ALB.).
Ce comité est à l’œuvre depuis une année et, jusqu’à récemment, il en était au stade de la collecte et de l’évaluation des données. Je remercie ceux et celles d’entre vous qui ont participé au sondage distribué aux membres en octobre 2014. Avec l’aide de la FCM, nous avons aussi sondé les élus municipaux en février 2015. La participation aux deux sondages a été bonne et nous croyons pouvoir nous fier aux résultats pour la suite des choses.
Je peux vous dire qu’il existe une forte corrélation entre ce que nous avons entendu des deux côtés à propos de nos inquiétudes et problèmes communs et ce que l’ACAM peut faire pour apporter son aide. En conséquence, la mise au point d'une boîte à outils de gestion du rendement et d’évaluation des directeurs municipaux constituera une de nos principales réalisations cette année. Après avoir examiné les meilleures pratiques qui ont cours à l’échelle du pays, le groupe de travail s’en servira pour créer la boîte à outils.
Lorsque la version préliminaire de la boîte à outils sera terminée, un projet pilote permettra de la mettre à l’essai auprès des membres de l’ACAM, des élus et d’autres utilisateurs externes avant son lancement. Un plan de marketing et de formation sera aussi élaboré afin que le nouveau produit jouisse d’une distribution aussi étendue que possible au pays.  
Il s’agira là d’un bon exemple d’innovation fondée sur des pratiques exemplaires, le tout appliqué par l’ACAM pour appuyer ses membres sur le plan crucial de la relation entre le personnel et le conseil municipal.
Nous tenons à remercier toutes les personnes qui ont participé à cet exercice jusqu’à présent. Nous sommes satisfaits de l’avancement du projet et nous espérons pouvoir offrir la version préliminaire de la boîte à outils vers le milieu de 2016.
En outre, l’ACAM s’adressera aux associations provinciales et nationales des élus pour solliciter leur appui à ce travail d’importance et établir des partenariats qui guideront la mise en œuvre éventuelle du nouveau modèle de gestion du rendement des DG au Canada.
Veuillez lire le résumé ci-joint des résultats des sondages auprès des membres de l’ACAM et des élus municipaux ainsi qu’un aperçu des prochaines étapes. Nous vous tiendrons au courant à mesure que nous progresserons dans cet important projet.
Le président de l’ACAM,

Don MacLellan

Telecom 2015 is Canada's leading customer education event for Information and Communications Technology (ICT) managers. Held annually in Toronto since 2013, it is a chance to meet vendors, consultants, and other customers in a relaxed, casual setting to share ideas, trends and learn how to survive the crazy, fast-paced world of ICT!

On Day 1 (27 October) runs The Telecom Showcase, with attendees given a choice of 28 different 45-minute presentations hosted by key industry vendors. Throughout the day, attendees choose between concurrent sessions where industry partners will present their latest products, technologies and innovations for business users. The Telecom Showcase finishes with a bang with the Cocktail Expo: open bar, snacks, prizes and a chance to chat with over 40 different industry vendors!

On Day 2 (28 October), The Telecom Forum is a day of presentations and discussions led by expert consultants on key ICT issues and trends which are impacting organizations today – another "must attend" day for corporate ICT managers.
CAMA members can attend The Telecom Showcase for free using promo code PRM172 (regular price $175).    To view the program details and to register, visit or contact [email protected] or call 1-855-NEOTELIS.

Development of the Next Generation EnerGuide Rating System
Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) is introducing changes to the EnerGuide Rating System for Homes; this may impact municipalities whom reference the rating system for bylaws, development applications, environmental grants and funding. 

From 2010-2012, NRCan consulted with over 300 stakeholders and convened a Policy Advisory Committee to recommend improvements to the ERS.  ERS follows a two part vision to:
  1. Help homeowners, industry and other stakeholders become energy literate regarding homes and the decisions related to them
  2. Provide specific, readily accessible energy performance information to support decision making in designing, constructing, purchasing, operating or renovating a home
In further enhancing its commitment to this vision, NRCan is making the following changes to its ERS as Version 15.0: 
  • Conversion to a consumption-based rating scale.
  • New homeowner materials.
  • Updated HOT2000 software, house evaluation procedures and quality assurance procedures.
  • Updated delivery network testing, licensing and registration.
  • Updated ERS services for different partner needs.
The change that most significantly affects municipalities is the change from an EnerGuide 0-100 scale ranging from poor to best performance to the new consumption based scale ranging from 0 GJ/year in consumption to infinity.

Municipalities that set targets for performance of new or existing homes will need to reconsider language as part of the change to Version 15.0.  Get more information on EnerGuide at

CAMA Awards of Excellence Presented by Ravenhill Group Inc.
Ravenhill Group Inc. proudly presented the CAMA Awards of Excellence at the 44th Annual Conference held in Jasper, Alberta. Ravenhill Group is Canada’s municipal search specialists, meeting the growing demand for excellent Chief Administrative Officers and other municipal leaders through ethical head-hunting™. Ravenhill does this by bringing the very best men and women face to face with the opportunity in a municipality … an opportunity that they were unaware of because - simply put - they weren't thinking of a job change. Please visit: for more information.

2015 CAMA Environment Award: City of Edmonton, AB (Population over 100,000)
Jake Rudolph, Chair of the CAMA Awards/CAMA Board Representative for British Columbia and Yukon;
Bruce Malcolm, President of Ravenhill Inc, Awards Partner;
Suzanne Young, Senior Ecological Planner – Parks & Biodiversity, City of Edmonton;
Grant Pearsell, Director of Parks & Biodiversity, City of Edmonton; Robert Hughes, CAMA Past President

Designing for wildlife in an increasingly fragmented world
Congratulations to the City of Edmonton on being the recipient of the 2015 CAMA Environment Awards (for municipalities with a population over 100,0000.

ith a desire to maintain habitat connectivity and protect biodiversity among the city’s wildlife population, as well as to reduce human / wildlife conflict, the City of Edmonton, AB has been successfully planning for wildlife passage in the city for almost a decade.

As growth continues in the province, Alberta Transportation reports a correlated increase in wildlife vehicle collisions of 170% which resulted in human injuries and deaths, as well as $240 million in legal claims.

At the same time, citizens have gained a greater understanding of their impact on the natural environment and want sustainable development. A public opinion survey reported that 97% of Edmontonians recognize the value of natural ecosystems and are interested in their protection and restoration.

Public concern for safe wildlife movement through the City required collaboration between transportation engineers, drainage engineers, planners and ecologists to design and construct innovative, ecological infrastructure.

As a result, in 2007, the City initiated a wildlife passage program. After nine years, this program and its guidelines have resulted in the design of 27 wildlife passage structures resulting in a reduction of wildlife collisions by 51% since the first wildlife passage was installed.  As municipalities continue to grow, purposefully designed wildlife passages will become increasingly important to combat habitat fragmentation and climate change impacts.

Concevoir un couloir faunique dans un monde de plus en plus fragmenté

Depuis près de 10 ans, la Ville d’Edmonton (Alberta) gère le passage de la faune sur son territoire dans l’optique de préserver la connectivité de l'habitat, de protéger la biodiversité des populations d'espèces sauvages de passage et d’atténuer les conflits humains-animaux.

La province étant en pleine croissance, Alberta Transportation enregistre une hausse corrélée de 170 % des collisions véhicules-animaux sauvages. Les blessures, décès et poursuites s’élèvent à 240 millions de dollars.

De leur côté, les citoyens comprennent mieux leur impact sur l'environnement et veulent un développement durable. Un sondage a d’ailleurs montré que 97 % des Edmontoniens reconnaissaient l’importance des écosystèmes naturels et s’intéressaient à leur protection et à leur restauration.

Le souci du public pour la sécurité des déplacements fauniques urbains exige la collaboration entre ingénieurs (transports, drainage), planificateurs et écologistes pour construire une infrastructure écologique novatrice.

En 2007, la municipalité lance un programme de corridors fauniques. Neuf années plus tard, ce programme et ses lignes directrices ont donné lieu à 27 structures. Depuis l’installation de la première d’entre elles, les collisions avec la faune ont chuté de 51 %.  La croissance soutenue des municipalités révèle l’importance accrue de mettre en place des corridors spécialement conçus pour lutter contre les effets de la fragmentation des habitats et du changement climatique.

Do you have a story for our next issue?
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CAMA e-Brief is published every two weeks. Watch for the next issue on: The week of October 26th, 2015
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