Agencies & Associations

North Shore Emergency Management

North Shore Emergency Management

Local Government Agency
Mail: 147 E. 14th St, North Vancouver, BC, V7L 2N4
Street: 147 E. 14th St
Phone: 778-338-6300
 [email protected]
North Shore Emergency Management (NSEM) is an inter-municipal local government agency that has provided emergency management services, including Emergency Support Services, for the City of North Vancouver, District of North Vancouver, and District of West Vancouver since 1978. Serving the North Shore community through one office provides increased efficiencies and effectiveness for emergency management programs, an increased volunteer pool, and coordinated planning, response, and recovery strategies.


NamePositionProfessional Category(s)
Michael AndrewsActing DirectorEmergency Coordination & Preparedness
Emergency Communications
John ChapmanPlanning OfficerEmergency Coordination & Preparedness
Emergency Communications
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