Agencies & Associations

Supply Chain Management Association - BC

Supply Chain Management Association - BC

Professional Association
Mail: 300 - 435 Columbia Street, New Westminster, BC, V3L 5N8
Street: 300 - 435 Columbia Street
Phone: 604-540-4494
Fax: 604-540-4023
 [email protected]
The BC Institute is part of the Purchasing Management Association of Canada (PMAC), the leading and the largest association in Canada for supply chain management professionals. The national voice for advancing and promoting the profession of supply chain management, PMAC sets the standard of excellence for professional skills, knowledge and integrity.


NamePositionProfessional Category(s)
Geraldine Kennedy, C.P.P.Executive DirectorChief Administration
Please note: Information provided on this page may not be used for sending unsolicited commercial electronic messages.

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